Potential main benefits of Biofield Tuning

Increase energy

Reduce stress

Remove “Stuckness”

Decrease pain

Improve sleep

It can also help you with :

  • Fear, anxiety, phobias
  • Headaches
  • Depression and low energy
  • Self-esteem
  • Relationship patterns and issues
  • Career and life transitions

What people say

When we finish a session people nearly always comment on how they are feeling clear, light, totally relaxed yet uplifted. They usually have very bright eyes too !
If someone has physical, mental or emotional symptoms that are associated with the imbalance we have been working on in the biofield, we can reduce or even eradicate these symptoms.
In the following few days, people usually experience a feeling of well-being and joy in life. They remark on having more energy and sleeping better. After Biofield Tuning we can often have a clearer perspective on things, feel more capable of acting on our intentions, whether it’s a question of clearing out cupboards or taking an important decision.
When we do a series of 3-4 sessions, we embark upon a deep energy cleansing, which make it possible to get rid of energy-sapping blocks in their biofield, blocks that often are longstanding and can even date from our early childhood.
A deep, ongoing well-being and motivation to build new harmonious patterns in our life normally results.


Les séances de Biofield tuning ont été pour moi d’une grande richesse!

Tout d abord il y a eu l’effet de détente profonde pendant la séance qui perdurait également après les séances. Un calme intérieur pareil à celui que l’on ressent après une belle meditation, suivi d’une nuit d’un sommeil très réparateur!

Ensuite je pouvais sentir la modification de mes corps énergétiques: je me souviens d’ une séance où Caroline avait travailler la partie posterieure: la capacité à recevoir….

Quand je suis sortie, j’avais véritablement l impression que «  toute la partie postérieure de mon corps, particulièrement les fesses» était énorme!

Mais ce qui m’a le plus portée c’ était la mise en évidence des schémas répétitifs qui nous collent à la peau! Et cela permet de faire le ménage et d’aller de l’avant!

Puis Caroline a une associée une chatte adorable, qui devient co-therapeute pendant les séances!

Mille mercis à Caroline et Nati!

Anne -Do

Caroline has treated me on a number of occasions with the Biofield Tuning (BT) approach.

Each time it has been a real revelation and an opening into the deeper parts of my body-mind connection, into the layers of multi-dimensionality that make up our “field”.

Each time, I have come out of the session feeling not only more relaxed and centered, but “brighter” clearer, more enlivened.

Each time it has been a real treat, not only because of the BT method, but also thanks to Caroline’s qualities: warmth, a welcoming presence, receptivity, kindness and generosity.

I notice that Caroline has become more and skillful in time. Even when she was just starting out, I could feel her intuitive sensing of the Tuning energies at play, and her empathy and sensitivity for myself as the receiver.

The approach/ tool of BT itself is intriguing and powerful, and has proven itself valid as far as I’m concerned; a big part of the success lies with Caroline, for her knowledge and experienced practice.

I definitely can recommend a session of BT with her. Thank you Caroline!!


My first 3 distance sessions with Caroline back in 2017 were amazingly spot on and very powerful.  She intuitively uncovered a deep rooted birth trauma setting in motion the most

intense detox I have ever experienced.  Once these physical and emotional shifts passed not only did I feel uplifted, but I  felt like a whole new person.  This in turn reignited  my relationship with my Mother.    Since then I have had  regular tune ups with Caroline when I need healing.   Her unique and intuitive tunings are carried out with honesty, wisdom and creativity.  Caroline always brings her own sunshine and positivity into her work and this is  always reflected in how I feel after a session with her.


I was able to reach a state of deep meditation almost immediately with no effort… thank you!


Our sessions get me out of depression and overwhelm, give me the energy to get up, feel great and enjoy the day.
